Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Disconected summary

smashed laptops
They actually never stop using computers if you think about it everything that they touched was either a computer in hiding or had been made by computers. Yea in some sense they “didn’t” use computers but in most sense they still had to use computers. When they were handed papers they were using a computer because someone down the line had to us a computer to type it up or print it. So in most sense they never stopped using computers. All in all I think we do rely on computers to much and most of that is just taking up our free time.
A lot of computer use comes from college students. Look around professors require homework turned on D2L, they email about classes and homework. If you don’t have a computer as a student you can’t function there is just no other way around it. As students we use computers to connect with each other, do homework, if we could we would never leave our dorms. Even colleges have classes on internet witch takes a computer.
My computer use in the last month has gone up. I had a friend tell me “they have seen me more on Facebook than normal”. The computer is almost our life link as a society anymore my grandparents who don’t have a computer had to ask me to find some places on a trip they were going on before they left. Not even them in there seventies can’t get away from needing to use a computer. We need to step back and see what is happening with our society and what side effects are happening do to our computer use.   

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